Trinity Choir
We are blessed with dedicated and talented choir members, led by Dr. Glenn Pickett. The choir sings at both services at least once a month from September to June, and participation is open to all adults and youth. Choir rehearsals are held in the sanctuary on Wednesday evenings from September through May.
Our Praise Band plays for the 9:00 a.m. service. Led by Dr. Glenn Pickett on keyboard, they are joined by a group of singers who lead us in a time of worship and praise that is guaranteed to awaken your spirit!
Pipe Organ
Instrumental support for the 11:00 am traditional service is provided by our music director playing an Abbott and Sieker pipe organ, built in 1967. The organ includes 1,390 pipes.
Our handbell choir plays for special times of worship, including Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday.
Other instruments used in worship at Trinity include hand chimes, strings, brass and percussion. All volunteers are welcome!
Our choir and handbells present seasonal concerts in December and in May. These concerts include a chamber orchestra to make it an even more inspiring and uplifting experience.
Contact our church office for more information about our music programs.