Church Newsletters
“That Baby Boy” – Christmas Concerts at 4:00 pm on December 14 & 15, 2024
You are invited to attend one of our holiday concerts of Christmas music, featuring the Trinity Choir
accompanied by a chamber orchestra. The concert will be performed twice: Saturday, December 14, and Sunday, December 15. Both concerts will begin at 4:00 pm.
Choral arrangements will alternate with the audience singing Christmas carols together with the choir and orchestra. Our special guest, singer Traivon Williams, will perform several songs as well.
Admission is free, but a freewill offering is encouraged. Invite your friends and family to attend one of these special concerts!
Trunk-n-Treat on Saturday, October 26, 5-8 pm
Free family fun with games, treats, and music, plus a free dinner featuring hot dogs, bratwurst, potato salad, and more — all in our parking lot. Wear a costume or come as you are!
Day Camp at Trinity July 15-19, 2024
Register now for day camp at Trinity, July 15-19! Day camp is for kids who will be entering K-6th grades this fall. This year’s theme is “Moving Mountains,” based on Psalm 121:1-2. Summer camp staff from Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences (LRCC) will lead a week filled with games and music, Bible studies, crafts and more. To register, pick up a form at the church or contact our church office. The cost is $25 for one child, plus $10 for each additional child from the same household.
Choir Concert on Pentecost Sunday
On Pentecost Sunday, May 19, the choir of Trinity Lutheran Church will present a varied selection of inspirational music accompanied by a chamber orchestra. Our guest soloist will be singer/songwriter, Jon Byron. Jon has been a good friend of the choir’s director, Dr. Glenn Pickett, since 1989. Glenn has helped Jon produce five albums, and together they have presented concerts in places as far flung as Greece and Turkey, and as close as here in Riverside.
The concert will begin at 6:00 pm. There will be a freewill offering, but admission is free. Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 5969 Brockton Avenue, Riverside. Invite your family and friends to attend this special concert with you as we sing our grateful praise to God!
Holy Week Services in 2024
+ On Palm Sunday, March 24, the 9:30 and 11 am services will begin outside, and then we will walk into the church in remembrance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
+ On Maundy Thursday at 7:00 pm, we will join the congregation of Eden Lutheran Church (located at 4725 Brockton Avenue) for a special communion service in remembrance of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Before that service, you can also attend the “Meal in the Upper Room” starting at 5:45 pm (but you need to sign up in advance if you want to attend this meal; contact our church office if you are interested and haven’t already signed up).
+ On Good Friday at 7:00 pm, we will have a special tenebrae service at Trinity to remember Jesus’ death.
+ On Easter Sunday, our worship services at Trinity will be at 8:30 and 11:00 am, with a pancake breakfast starting at 9:30 am. The suggested donation for the breakfast is $4/adults, $2/kids under 12 (with a maximum of $10/family).
The Season of Lent: Lord, Teach Us to Pray
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on February 14. On Ash Wednesday we will have a special service at 7:00 pm, which will include the imposition of ashes and holy communion. The congregation of Eden Lutheran Church plans to join us for worship on Ash Wednesday, and our congregation is invited to attend the service at Eden on Maundy Thursday. Both churches will have services on Good Friday.
This year our midweek Lenten services will focus on the Lord’s Prayer. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’ disciples say to him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). In response, Jesus taught them the prayer we call the Lord’s Prayer. Each Wednesday during Lent, we will explore the meaning of one part of this prayer. Pastor Kent and Pastor Stephanie from Eden will take turns leading Wednesday soup suppers and a study of the Lord’s Prayer at Trinity and Eden.
Lenten suppers at Trinity will begin on Wednesday, February 21, at 6:00 pm (there is no supper on Ash Wednesday). There is a sign-up sheet at church to help with the supper by providing a soup or bread.
Mark your calendar and plan to join us for these special times of worship and fellowship during Lent!
Sunday of Service on September 10
“God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday is an annual day of service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We will have one worship service at 9:30 am on September 10, followed by these service projects that will be set up in our fellowship hall:
- Fill “blessing bags” with food for the homeless
- Fill personal hygiene bags
- Sort and fill plastic bags with donated stationery that will be sent to people who are incarcerated
at the California state prisons in Chino - Tie quilts made by our Quilting Bee
- Sign greeting cards for members of our church who are homebound or live far away
Worship Schedule Change for July
During the month of July, we will have one combined Sunday service at 9:30 am, with a mixture of contemporary Christian music and familiar hymns. The 11:00 am traditional service will resume in August.
Hope Food Pantry
Our church’s food pantry distributes boxes containing a variety of canned and packaged foods, frozen meat, milk and eggs every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:30 am. We occasionally have fresh produce as well, and soon hope to provide fresh produce to Riverside residents on a weekly basis. These food items are all distributed free of charge. If you are struggling with high food prices, come and pick up some free food this Wednesday!
Shower of Hope
Trinity became the first host site in Riverside for the Shower of Hope in February 2021. Every Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, guests can come to shower and receive food, clothing and personal hygiene products. Lutheran Social Services staff can also meet with guests to help them apply for ID cards, housing, and other social services. We are happy to partner with this worthwhile organization! You can find out more about the Shower of Hope program and the other sites where it is operating in Southern California by visiting their website at
Lutheran Social Services of Southern California
The Riverside office of Lutheran Social Services moved to our church campus in July of 2019. In the summer of 2021, a storage shed was added to provide additional space for storing food and clothing. LSS Riverside provides emergency assistance and case management to meet critical needs such as food and clothing, utility and housing assistance (deposits, arrears payments), transportation assistance (gas or bus vouchers), benefits assistance (medical insurance), and Cal Fresh and Credit Repair. They also conduct workshops on financial literacy and career empowerment. To reach the Riverside LSS office, call (951) 689-7847. To learn more about Lutheran Social Services of Southern California, visit